Meteor Radar Observations
The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR)
All CMOR Publications (chronologically ordered)
- Marshall, R.A., Brown, P., Close, S., 2017. Plasma distributions in meteor head echoes and implications for radar cross section interpretation. Planet. Space Sci. 1?6. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2016.12.011
- Blaauw, R.C., 2017. The mass index and mass of the Geminid meteoroid stream as determined with radar, optical and lunar impact data. Planet. Space Sci. 1?6. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.04.007
- Moorhead, A. V., Brown, P.G., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Heynen, D., Cooke, W.J., 2017. Fully correcting the meteor speed distribution for radar observing biases. Planet. Space Sci. 1?9. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.02.002
- Abedin, A., Wiegert, P., Pokorný, P., Brown, P., 2017. The age and the probable parent body of the daytime Arietid meteor shower. Icarus 281, 417?443. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2016.08.017
- Sato, M., Watanabe, J., Tsuchiya, C., Moorhead, A. V., Moser, D.E., Brown, P.G., Cooke, W.J., 2017. Detection of the Phoenicids meteor shower in 2014. Planet. Space Sci. 1?6. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2017.0 Stober, G., Matthias, V., Brown, P.G., Chau, J.L., 2014. Neutral density variation from specular meteor echo observations spanning one solar cycle. Geophys. Res. Lett. 41, 6919?6925. doi:10.1002/2014GL061273
- Matthias, V., Hoffmann, P., Manson, a., Meek, C., Stober, G., Brown, P.G., Rapp, M., 2013. The impact of planetary waves on the latitudinal displacement of sudden stratospheric warmings. Ann. Geophys. 31, 1397?1415. doi:10.5194/angeo-31-1397-2013
- Weryk, R.J., Brown, P.G., 2013. Simultaneous radar and video meteors?II: Photometry and ionisation. Planet. Space Sci. 81, 32?47. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2013.03.012
- Ye, Q., Wiegert, P., Brown, P.G., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Weryk, R.J., 2013. The unexpected 2012 Draconid meteor storm. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 437, 3812?3823. doi:10.1093/mnras/stt2178
- Ye, Q., Brown, P.G., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Weryk, R.J., 2013. Radar observations of the 2011 October Draconid outburst. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 436, 675?689. doi:10.1093/mnras/stt1605
- Wiegert, P., Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., 2013. the Return of the Andromedids Meteor Shower. Astron. J. 145, 70. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/145/3/70
- Weryk, R.J., Brown, P.G., 2012. Simultaneous radar and video meteors?I: Metric comparisons. Planet. Space Sci. 62, 132?152. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2011.12.023
- Brown, P., McCAUSLAND, P.J. a., Fries, M., Silber, E., Edwards, W.N., Wong, D.K., Weryk, R.J., Fries, J., Krzeminski, Z., 2011. The fall of the Grimsby meteorite-I: Fireball dynamics and orbit from radar, video, and infrasound records. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 46. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2010.01167.x
- Wiegert, P., Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., 2011. The Daytime Craterids, a radar-detected meteor shower outburst from hyperbolic comet C/2007 W1 (Boattini). Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 414, 668?676. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18432.x
- Blaauw, R.C., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Weryk, R.J., 2011. Mass distribution indices of sporadic meteors using radar data. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. no-no. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.18038.x
- Blaauw, R.C., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Weryk, R.J., 2011. A meteoroid stream survey using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar - III. Mass distribution indices of six major meteor showers. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 414, 3322?3329. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18633.x
- Soja, R.H., Baggaley, W.J., Brown, P.G., Hamilton, D.P., 2011. Dynamical resonant structures in meteoroid stream orbits. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 414, 1059?1076. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18442.x
- Wiegert, P. a., Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., 2011. The Daytime Craterids, a radar-detected meteor shower outburst from hyperbolic comet C/2007 W1 (Boattini). Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 1, no-no. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18432.x
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- Ye, Q., Brown, P.G., Pokorný, P., 2016. Dormant Comets Among the Near-Earth Object Population: A Meteor-Based Survey. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc 462, 3511?3527. doi:10.1093/mnras/stw1846
- Ye, Q., Hui (许文韬), M.-T., Brown, P.G., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Pokorný, P., Wiegert, P., Gao (高兴), X., 2016. When comets get old: A synthesis of comet and meteor observations of the low activity comet 209P/LINEAR. Icarus 264, 48?61. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.09.003
- Ye, Q., Brown, P.G., Bell, C., Gao, X., Ma?ek, M., 2016. Moderately active comet: the case of 15P/Finlay. Aging comets and their meteor showers 814, 37.
- Pokorný, P., Brown, P.G., 2016. A reproducible method to determine the meteoroid mass index. Astron. Astrophys. 592, 1?12. doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201628134
- Abedin, A., Spurný, P., Wiegert, P., Pokorný, P., Borovička, J., Brown, P.G., 2015. On the age and formation mechanism of the core of the Quadrantid meteoroid stream. Icarus 261, 100?117. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2015.08.016
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., Brown, P.G., 2014. A 13-year radar study of the -Aquariid meteor shower. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 446, 3669?3675. doi:10.1093/mnras/stu2327
- Moorhead, A. V., Brown, P.G., Spurný, P., Cooke, W.J., Shrbený, L., 2015. the 2014 Kcg Meteor Outburst: Clues To a Parent Body. Astron. J. 150, 122. doi:10.1088/0004-6256/150/4/122
- Pokorný, P., Vokrouhlický, D., Nesvorný, D., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Brown, P.G., 2014. Dynamical Model for the Toroidal Sporadic Meteors. Astrophys. J. 789, 25. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/789/1/25
- Bruzzone, J.S., Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2014. A decadal survey of the Daytime Arietid meteor shower using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 446, 1625? 1640. doi:10.1093/mnras/stu2200
- Wiegert, P. a., Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., 2011. The Daytime Craterids, a radar-detected meteor shower outburst from hyperbolic comet C/2007 W1 (Boattini). Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 1, no-no. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18432.x
- Blaauw, R.C., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Weryk, R.J., 2011. Mass distribution indices of sporadic meteors using radar data. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 412, 2033?2039. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.18038.x
- Brown, P.G., Wong, D.K., Weryk, R.J., Wiegert, P., 2010. A meteoroid stream survey using the Canadian Meteor Orbit RadarII: Identification of minor showers using a 3D wavelet transform. Icarus 207, 66?81. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2009.11.015
- Wiegert, P., Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., 2010. A radar-detected meteor shower outburst from comet C / 2007 W1 Boattini. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 7, 1?7. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2011.18432.x
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., Wiegert, P., 2009. Seasonal variations in the north toroidal sporadic meteor source. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 44, 1837?1848. doi:10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.tb01992.x
- Wiegert, P., Vaubaillon, J., Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2009. A dynamical model of the sporadic meteoroid complex. Icarus 201, 295?310. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2008.12.030
- Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D., Jones, J., 2008. A meteoroid stream survey using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar I. Methodology and radiant catalogue. Icarus 195, 317?339. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2007.12.002
- Brown, P., Weryk, R.J., Wong, D.K., Jones, J., 2008. The canadian meteor orbit radar meteor stream catalogue. Adv. Meteoroid Meteor Sci. 209?219. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-78419-9_30
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2008. High resolution radiant distribution and orbits of sporadic radar meteoroids. Icarus 196, 144?163.
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2007. Directional Variation of Sporadic Meteor Activity and Velocity. Earth. Moon. Planets 102, 79?84. doi:10.1007/s11038-007-9152-8
- Campbell-Brown, M., 2007. The Meteoroid Environment: Shower and Sporadic Meteors. Work. Dust Planet. Syst. (ESA SP-643). Sept. 26-30 2005 643, 11.
- Wiegert, P., 2007. The Dynamics of Low-Perihelion Meteoroid Streams. Earth. Moon. Planets 102, 15?26. doi:10.1007/s11038-007-9182-2
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., Jones, J., 2006. Annual variation of sporadic radar meteor rates. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 367, 709?716. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.09974.x
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., Vaubaillon, J., Brown, P.G., Weryk, R.J., Arlt, R., 2006. The 2005 Draconid outburst. Astron. Astrophys. 451, 339?344.
- Jones, J., Jones, W., 2006. Meteor radiant activity mapping using single-station radar observations. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 367, 1050?1056. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10025.x
- Jones, J., Brown, P.G., Ellis, K.J., Webster, A., Campbell-Brown, M.D., Krzemenski, Z., Weryk, R.J., 2005. The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar : system overview and preliminary results. Planet. Space Sci. 53, 413?421. doi:10.1016/j.pss.2004.11.002
- Webster, A.R., Jones, J., 2005. Single and multi-station radar observations of the geminid/sextantid meteor stream system. Earth, Moon Planets 95, 713?721. doi:10.1007/s11038-005-9003-4
- Jones, J., Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2005. The initial train radius of sporadic meteors. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc 359, 1131?1136. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2005.08972.x
- Wiegert, P., Brown, P.G., 2005. The Quadrantid meteoroid complex. Icarus 179, 139?157. doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.05.019
- Brown, P.G., Jones, J., Weryk, R.J., Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2005. The velocity distribution of meteoroids at the Earth as measured by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR). Earth, Moon Planets 617?626. doi:10.1007/s11038-005-5041-1
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2004. Radar observations of the Arietids. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc 352, 1421?1425. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2966.2004.08039.x
- Weryk, R.J., Brown, P.G., 2004. A search for interstellar meteoroids using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR). Earth. Moon. Planets 95, 221?227. doi:10.1007/s11038-005-9034-x
- Webster, A., Brown, P.G., Jones, J., Ellis, K.J., Campbell-Brown, M.D., 2004. Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR). Atmos. Chem. Phys. 4, 679?684.
- Campbell-Brown, M.D., Jones, J., 2003. Determining the initial radius of meteor trains: fragmentation. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 343, 775?780.
- Brown, P.G., Campbell, M., Suggs, R., Cooke, W.J., Theijsmeijer, C., Hawkes, R.L., Jones, J., Ellis, K.J., 2002. Video and radar observations of the 2000 Leonids: evidence for a strong flux peak associated with 1932 ejecta? Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 335, 473?479. doi:10.1046/j.1365-8711.2002.05637.x
- Brown, P., Campbell, M.D., Ellis, K.J., Hawkes, R.L., Jones, J., Gural, P., Babcock, D., Barnbaum, C., Bartlett, R.K., Bedard, M., Bedient, J., Beech, M., Brosch, N., Clifton, S., Connors, M., Cooke, B., Goetz, P., Gaines, J.K., Gramer, L., Gray, J., Hildebrand, A.R., Jewell, D., Jones, A., Leake, M., LeBlanc, A.G., Looper, J.K., McIntosh, B.A., Montague, T., Morrow, M.J., Murray, I.S., Nikolova, S., Robichaud, J., Spondor, R., Talarico, J., Theijsmeijer, C., Tilton, B., Treu, M., Vachon, C., Webster, A.R., Weryk, R., Worden, S.P., 2000. Global Ground-Based Electro-Optical and Radar Observations of the 1999 Leonid Shower: First Results. Earth Moon Planets 82, 167?190.
Selected full CMOR Related Publications
Brown P., Wong D.K., Weryk R.J., and P. Wiegert. 2010. A Meteoroid Stream Survey Using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar–II: Identification of minor showers using a 3D wavelet transform, Icarus, doi 10.1016/j.icarus.2009.11.015 Full Text
Brown P., Weryk R.J., Wong D.K., Jones, J. 2008. A Meteoroid Stream Survey Using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar–I: Methodology and Radiant Catalogue, Icarus, 195, 317-339.Full Text
Brown P., Weryk R.J., Wong D.K., Jones J. 2008. The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar Meteor Stream Catalogue. Earth Moon and Planets, 102, 209-219. Full Text
Campbell-Brown, M. D. 2008. High resolution radiant distribution and orbits of sporadic radar meteoroids. Icarus, 196, 144-163 Full Text
Campbell-Brown, M. D., Jones, J. 2006. Annual variation of sporadic radar meteor rates. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Full Text
Jones, J., Jones, W. 2006. Meteor radiant activity mapping using single-station radar observations. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. Full text
Jones, J. and M. Campbell-Brown. 2005. The initial train radius of sporadic meteors. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 359, 1131-1136. Full Text
Jones, J., Brown, P., Ellis, K. J., Webster, A. R., Campbell-Brown, M., Krzemenski, Z., Weryk, R. J. 2005. The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar: system overview and preliminary results. Planetary & Space Science 53, 413-421. Full Text
Campbell-Brown, M., Vaubaillon, J., Brown, P., Weryk, R. J., and R. Arlt. 2005. The 2005 Draconid outburst. Astronomy and Astrophysics manuscript, Drac2005-v8. Full Text
Brown, P., Jones, J., Weryk, R. J. and M. D. Campbell-Brown. 2005. The velocity distribution of meteoroids at the Earth as measured by the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR). Earth, Moon, and Planets. Full Text
Weryk, R. J., Brown, P., 2005. A search for insterstellar meteroids using the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR). Earth, Moon, and Planets, 95, 221-227. Full Text
Webster, A.R., Brown, P.G., Jones, J., Ellis, K.J., and M. Campbell-Brown. 2004. The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR), Atmos. Chem. Phys. Disc 4, 1181-1201. Full Text
M. Campbell-Brown and J. Jones. 2003. Determining the initial radius of meteor ttrains: fragmentation. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., 343, 775-780. Full Text
Campbell-Brown, M., 2004. Radar observations of the Arietids. Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 352, 1421-1425. Full Text
Jones, J., Webster, A. R., Hocking, W. K. 1998. An improved inferometer design for use with meteor radars. Radio Science, Vol. 33, 1, 55-65. Full Text