Technical Staff
Jason Gill
Meteor Group Computer Technical Support
Contact: Phone: 519-850-2385 (Meteor Radar. Lab)
Room: 241
email: jrgill [at]

Zbigniew Krzeminski
Research: meteor radars, propagation, meteor shower analysis
Contact: Phone: 661-2111 x 84744 (Meteor Astr. Lab)
Room: 240
email: zbig [at]
Research Activities
- Meteor Infrasound
- What is Infrasound?
- Meteor Infrasound
- The Elginfield Array
- Interesting Events
- Research Projects
- Publications
- Meteor Radar
- How Meteors are Observed with radar
- The Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar (CMOR)
- The Upgraded CMOR II
- Research Projects
- Publications
- Fireball Measurements
- What is a Fireball?
- Fireball Events by Date
- Selwyn Meteorite
[12-Dec-2011] - Grimsby Meteorite
[25-Sept-2009] - Newmarket Fireball
[16-Mar-2009] - Guelph Fireball
[15-Oct-2008] - Park Forest Meteorite
[27-Mar-2003] - Tagish Lake Meteorite
[18-Jan-2000] - Peekskill Meteorite
- Selwyn Meteorite
- U.S Department of Defense Bolide Releases
- Research Projects
- Publications
- All-Sky Camera Network
- Electro-Optical Observations
- Overview
- Deep Gen II System
- Widefield Gen II System
- Widefield Gen III System
- Gated Intensified Camera
- Telescoped Gated Intensified Camera
- The Canadian Automated Meteor Observatory (CAMO)
- Research Projects
- Publications
- Meteor Entry Modelling
- Orbital Dynamics